
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wordless (almost) Wednesday!

Can you find me?


  1. wearing light blue behind the girl with the long hair?

    by the way, read ur comment... very interesting! i will be back in Bacolod sometime Feb or Mar 2009 cos I will give birth there... i'll probably see u there! =D

    let me know where you'll be and for how long... we can meet! yipee...

  2. Yes, you found me! I help oversee a mission trip to Bacolod in the spring! The pastors names there are Joe & Primrose, can't recall last name.

  3. Joe Ascalon? BCCB or IKTHUS? hmmm..I'm from His Life Ministries and my husband is from Bacolod Trinity Church. I really hope to see you next year... this is exciting! =D

    anyway, got a Beautiful Mom Award for you in my blog. do visit, ok?

    =D thanks!

  4. Hello--

    You visited my blog so I came to see yours! Thanks for your kind comments, by the way! I am new to this and it is such a rush when you get a positive comment like yours! I have enjoyed reviewing your blog and will add you to my ever-growing list of blogs to follow! Also, it is a pleasure to read such a positive "About Me" introduction!!!!! Thanks!


Hi Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment even if it has nothing to do with the specific blog, it's great to know that you are writing stuff that real live people actually read, ya know?