
Saturday, March 5, 2011


Hey Blog Friends, thank you for all you kind words in response to my last post. Trying to be real is harder than expected and part of me keeps wanting to delete that post. But I really appreciate your understanding and encouragement.

Yesterday Hubs and I escaped for a short bike ride and according to the things my camera captured, it was a TREE kind of day..........


  1. Every tree is like a finger print. Each one is so different. Love the pics.

  2. Don't think I could be real if I tried.

    Love that photo of the tree next to the road. Sweet.

  3. Poems are made by fools like me
    But only God can make a tree
    ~ Joyce Kilmer.

    Glad your had a great ride, and got some grand pictures in the process.

  4. Yummy, I love tree days. I'm a tree hugger from way back. Look at all that green grass. I'd settle for a few blades of that. Ha. Glad you had a outing on the bike. What freedom!!!!
    Love and peace

  5. I love trees, the bones (trunks) are beautiful to me. They are usually hidden with leaves til winter...

  6. I just found your site and the header completely drew me in, I really like it :) Bike rides are the best, I can't wait for warmer weather over here so I can get mine out for a ride!

  7. Trees are one of my favorite things! I am always taking pictures of them! You got some beauties!

  8. Brenda - I love your blog. Came by here via Sara's and then realized you, like me, had a post on Priya's Love Bytes. How did I miss your post? And such a beautiful one at that! Great love story...Following you and putting you on my blogroll too. You rock lady!

  9. Thanx Corinne, your newest post really resonates with me too!

  10. I appreciate your sense of humor, too. And, I love your pics.



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