
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Menopausal Barbie

Apparently this is a picture of Barbie after menopause. When I saw it I wondered of the photographer had read my post on Menopausal Barbie! She is over fifty now, so it has to happen some time. I am completely through it now and gotta say I am loving it. Well, I am loving the freedom from cramps, etc. NOT loving the extra weight, somewhat close to the Barbie pic ,in my mind anyway!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree. The whole life changing experience wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. However, if I could change 2 things, it would be the extra weight (especially the widening of the hips) and that permanent cloud that sits in my brain. But other than that, it's not so bad. LOL!

  3. KT - To answer your question: It took over two years of hotflashes to come & go off & on. Maybe 3 years. I am now 55 & have no hot flashes or night sweats!

  4. Thanks for the reply! Cute post! I enjoy your blog.


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