
Monday, March 29, 2010

Good-Bye Oinker

This morning I did not allow myself to open my Mac until I had done some yoga stretches for 20 minutes. That's right, I am bribing myself with laptop time to get myself to exercise. It is seriously time to get rid of my extra poundage that makes me feel like a flying piggie rather than a flying butterfly!

An important deadline is usually a good motivation for me and I have a doozy coming up in a few months. Writer Son is getting married on 10/10/10 !! (Fun wedding date huh?) Wedding photos that last forever! Pictures that are passed around and sent sailing through the internet to who knows how many people! Meeting my son's new inlaws.....and photos, photos, photos!!

Can you hear the panic in my voice? Not so long ago I was a faithful exerciser, but this Mac, (yes, I am blaming an inanimate object!) has really thrown me off course. My free time after work used to be full of a variety of, reading, walking, yoga & exercise bike. But now, it's all about the Mac & Face Book & you ,my bloggy friends. (Ok, now I am actually blaming you! Pretty low right?)

So yes, I am going to try to move this body around a bit after work each day before coming to visit you all. Getting up earlier does not make sense because I am already getting up at 6am in order to be at work by 7:30 and I am often home by 3 in the afternoon, so there is time after work. I just don't usually feel like doing anything but sitting after a busy work day full of people. Unfortunately, when I sit down to visit the internet I often stay there for hours! It is often work stuff on my laptop at first, letters to interested students etc. But then it is so dang easy to slip on over to FB or blogger and is 3 hours later!

Today I began getting back into shape by just doing a bunch of stretches so I won't hurt myself. Tomorrow I'll get back to the basic moves and push myself more everyday, including getting back on my exercise bike. I do not have a scale but my jeans & the mirror do a great job of condemning me into realizing that I'm in trouble.

Does my confessing this all to you help me? We will see........

ps ......I googled "Fat people" while looking for a picture for this post........Do not ever do that ok? Not good....very bad images are now in my head!!


  1. So proud of you for deciding to do it and stick with it. Very good idea about working out before laptop time too. I should try that. :)

    I am on It is a free online website that is GREAT for losing weight. If you wanted to join, look me up and add me as a friend: starry943

  2. Well, now I HAVE to google "fat people" because you've peaked my curiosity! LOL!

    Congrats on your quest to be thinner! I need to do the same. I REALLY need to get motivated!!

  3. Sheri, I'll check that out!

    Naked, PLEASE don't do it, you will be eternally sorry!

  4. I have exactly the same problem! Only add snowstorm after snowstorm and I'm barely moving. I know it's an excuse - I could always go to the gym. Another winter here in the mountains and I will do just that! But that still leaves WII Fit, or Yoga. The worst part? I have to wear a bathing suit for ten days in a couple of weeks. Ghaaaaa


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