
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is a REward just an Award Given Out Twice?

Isn't that a pretty award? Yes, the adorable Shawna over at My Girls has given me the SUNSHINE AWARD! She is the mommy to three little girls and I love her Subtitle "My Girls, making me crazy and keeping me sane." isn't that great?

Thank you Shawna and I hope you are able to get the comment thingy working now.

I would like to pass this fun award on to a new friend of mine who has bigger kids like I do, Bipolar Diva. Go check her out while you are off looking in on My Girls OK?

A Confession..........I really like my last post. It was about Rocker Son and I thought it was pretty funny. But it did not get a ton of I am giving you all another chance to make me feel good about myself okay? Go read it, thanks!
(wow BS, why don't you just beg them to read you?)

1 comment:

  1. LOVED it. As I said in your other post, that reminds me so much of guys I knew years ago. Don't doesn't last forever. :)

    And congrats on your award! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog today! :)


Hi Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment even if it has nothing to do with the specific blog, it's great to know that you are writing stuff that real live people actually read, ya know?