
Sunday, January 23, 2011

At Last!

Okay people, I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about a new find I came across today! You are going to thank me and then immediately get on your computers to order these too!

I am so sick of eating yogurt every morning and exercising at least once a month faithfully. My dinners and lunches are not usually very healthy but with all that yogurt and strenuous exercise you would think I’d be a skinny mini by now!

Anyway, my worries are over once and for all. No more eating only five slices of pizza when I really want eight. No more leaving the sour cream off my baked potato and getting by with just enough butter to make the bacon bits float along side the gravy!

In the paper I came across this ad that will change our lives. These are panties with tiny BUILT-IN MAGNETS that …………

“Are believed to:
BOOST Metabolism
IMPROVE Circulation
RELIEVE Body Aches and Pains”


“Hundreds of Powerful Healing Magnets”

At only $12.97, I would say that is a steal. If you do not need to lose some poundage in that particular area, the same company will sell you these…….I won’t be ordering them.

They add some lumps for you!


  1. Playing on our insecurities once again. Sigh. The illusion is the important thing, not real life.

  2. The first one is very cool (have some.. hehe) the second one I've seen houwever I don't understand, why would anyone want a 'bigger' butt!! Unless you're the future princess of England, who is concerned that she is going to be 'too thin' for her wedding dress come April. Annouced that she may have to add some carbs to her diet so she can gain waight. Poor thing.. NOT! LOL

    Funny post, I loved this!

  3. Yes I as well believe some people buy this stuff as well. I love your sense of humour!

    I am a new GFC follower through over 40 bloggers please follow back

  4. I must have them! I wonder if they come in red for Valentine's Day.

  5. thank you for posting on writemuch. And I'm still thinking about the magnet panties. If only...

  6. Here are my favorite lines, the ones that had me cracking up and ALMOST waking up a kid:

    "I am so sick of eating yogurt every morning and exercising at least once a month faithfully. ...
    No more eating only five slices of pizza when I really want eight. No more leaving the sour cream off my baked potato and getting by with just enough butter to make the bacon bits float along side the gravy!"

    Yeah, okay. I guess that's most of the post. But it was hilarious!!!


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