
Saturday, December 18, 2010


Today we battled our way through the intense crowd of frenzied shoppers at the mall to pick up my two new pairs of glasses! I am so happy with them, yay for new "face jewelry" as one of my commenters so perfectly put it!

Want some before and afters? You do? Well, ok.....

Here are my old glasses. Not awful, but they did not feel like me. Felt too old for me. And even worse they hurt and were always sliding down so that dark line of the top rim landed right in the middle of my eyes!

 I found a great deal for two pair of glasses, so these are the roundish pair in burgundy.

 And these are my favorite! They are a dark brown tortoise shell color. Feels more like me.

This last pic is to keep this post from being as boring as it is!



  1. Nice new glasses, really look nice on you.

  2. Lovely new glasses, especially the second pair!

  3. Love the new glasses! I just got a new prescription but have yet to pick out old ones are yucky and old womany so I need to get moving and get the new ones!

  4. Oh wow, those are fantastic! You look totally glam ... and YOU!


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