
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Show Off Your Christmas Tree Day!

I wasn't going to do this "Show Off Your Tree" thingy over here because my tree is FAKE as you heard me rant about a while ago! But it is what it is. My question now is "Where were all you fun internets people back when I used to spend all day organizing my hundreds of ornaments & then having a fun decorating party night with my hubby & boys & hot cocoa & White Christmas playing?"

We used to get a REAL tree & absolutely smother it with ornaments, lights & ribbon. Now, my sons are out doing other stuff & hubby is on the cumputer & it's me & my cocoa & music & ornaments on a FAKE TREE! (Sounding kinda bitter here, sorry.) I don't feel terribly bitter, just nostalgic I guess. Buying gifts for 20-something age men is not nearly as fun as it used to be. Gift cards...ugh!


  1. Your tree sure looks real! I'm so glad you decided to link up! Or else I never would have gotten to see your gorgeous nativity!
    I like your tree...simple, baubbles and beads. Perfect.

  2. I like it! It is a pretty good-looking tree for being fake! I love the shininess and the manageability of it! It is a woman's beautiful tree so enjoy!

    And I wanted to thank you for your really lovely comment on my post earlier today. It made me feel so good and encouraged! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  3. Oh honey! I know there are times in life when you feel just a bit removed, but that tree is lovely!

    I've had a fake one for years and what I've done to make it more personal is to make sure that every single ornament was hand-picked over the years.

    It's a catastrophe for the most part, but so fun...and that's what it's all about!

  4. hihi... bitter? i guess not. i actually find your post funny! oops, sorry, am I being insensitive???

    don't have a fake tree... mine is a lot not nicer - no tree at all :o) hihi

  5. I so understand. Yeah..times change and we don't have the same inclination or excitement when the entire family was part of the celebration. Don't let it get you down..just consider it "simplifying" your life and that it will allow you more time to enjoy those people you love! Blessings, Lisa

  6. nice looking tree and I like the Nativity set under it :)


  7. Your tree is BEAUTIFUL! I'm jealous ...I only have room for a 12" one this year!
    Have a great day!

  8. the tree is beautiful! i thought this was so fun to look at everyone's trees!

  9. Your tree looks real and your nativity set is beautiful. I love it when you invite us into your home!

  10. Love the tree!!!

    Oh, and I just wanted to tell you about this amazing site that is challenging people to inspire the WOLRD IN JUST 25 DAYS!!!

    Thanks and God Bless,


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