
Friday, January 1, 2010

First Sentence Re-cap of 2009

(Jan Mary over at Welcome to My World mentioned the idea of re-capping your blogs of 2009 by copying the first sentence of the first blog of each month in the year. Here is my 2009.....yah, 2010 is looking pretty good to me!)

Remember the Seinfeld episode about Georges' plan to do nothing all summer? I dream about blogging ideas. I'm sure everyone thinks it can never happen to them. As usual LINDA over at 2nd Cup of Coffee is always stirring (stirring? get it?) up trouble. Hi Gang! It's good to be home from our 10 day trip to the Philippines with our students.

Yep, still pondering the idea! Happy Feet!!
Vodka Mom just posted about getting an award that asked her to list what she has learned from her boys & it is hilarious, you must go read it...but come right back OK? Just spent a great weekend at my folks amazing 1 1/2 acres of woods in WA. They have literally carved out just enough room for a house & mom's garden!

I have a lot going around in my head to write about & for some reason that makes me put it off! These are pics of the neighbor's house I was complaining about in my last post.
Gross, seems to be the main goal with these items, especially the EGG SEPARATOR !

Interesting year!


  1. funny all the first I must go see what mine would be.

  2. What a cool way to recall the last year.


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