
Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Sandwich Life

When I first began blogging here a few years ago, I had a hard time at first finding blogs to read that were written by people in my age bracket. It was not that 50-somethings were not writing anything. It was WHAT they were writing that turned me off.

For some reason I kept coming across blogs that were full of physical ailments, the good old days or grandkid pictures. Individually I have nothing against writing about any of these topics once in a while. But the over-all tone of many blogs by mature women was a tad negative or else gushy-gooey.

And since I openly complained about those blogs on here, today I cannot tell you that:

  • One week after Hub's mother passed away, MY mom is unexpectedly in ICU fighting for her life.
  • My mom is 76 and I really should have put the word "only" in front of that number.
  • Sure never used to consider 76 to be not very old.
  • She lives even farther away than the 600 miles my MIL lived.
  • Sometimes it is not very fun to be the "sandwich generation". Caring for both our kids and our parents.
I am not really feeling negative or depressed. Real life happens and my own particular journey has been and continues to be pretty sweet and blessed. Complaining is simply not acceptable. So I won't do it. But I knew that I had dropped in my posting here and wanted to check in with you all and let you know that I am alive. The sun is shining here in California today and my Hubby loves me and my sons are in love with amazing young women. All is well....


  1. I think we all intended for our blogs to go a certain way and followed blogs of a certain nature but then you read something by a young teenager that blows you away or you find out that someone much older than you can give you some advice. It's a wonderful place. I am very sorry to hear about your Mom. I will pray for you all. And you can write about it here because we all understand that life happens in the midst of a plan. Is there someone with her? Are you planning on going to see her? Surely you must be very sad and upset. I've got big shoulders if you need them! Hugs, B.S.

  2. Oh Brenda, I'm so sorry to hear that. You've been through so much lately. Praying for your mother, you and your family. Thanks for popping in to let us know what was happening.
    My Blog

  3. BB- Thank you so much for your kind words. I agree, I did learn quickly that age means nothing between bloggers! I love that about blogging!

    Catherine- Thanks for your prayers, means a lot!

  4. I remember when I started blogging almost every blog I loved were of young wit 3 kids, one on the way, etc. I gravitated toward the blogs of the younger generation because they really had profound things to say and it kept me young. I am thankful to have found blogs, like yours, of woman who have "been there" and have profound things to say.

    I will be praying for you mom and for you!

  5. I love how you put that positivity in there at the end, but it's ok to feel down and sad, and you already know that so I won't sit here and tell you how you should feel. I just hope your mother will get better soon. And I agree, she is "only" 76!

  6. Some of the most delicious sandwiches have the most diverse ingredients!

  7. Praying for you & yours.

    Hugs & love,

  8. Kind thoughts coming your way for mom and your family!

  9. Yes blogging is what it is?? I feel a bit sandwiched is Life. 76 is younger and younger.


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