
Friday, August 20, 2010

Girl's Getaway!

I am home again after a wonderful three-day girl's getaway with a few of my close buddies. We stayed in a huge lake house and had a blast together!

Did I mention the Suit of Armor guy in my post from the lake? This huge guy was just outside my bedroom door and even when I knew he was there, he scared me again and again! Especially after dark! You just don't expect an armored knight to be guarding/stalking your bedroom door!

We also loved the water bikes. They took us all around the lake to peak into other people's lake houses and see if we had the best one or not. I think we pretty much outclassed them all! If you consider sitting around in the dark telling our most embarrassing stories ever as classy. And the way sound carries over water, we probably should have been embarrassed even more! "Hi neighbors!"

See those margaritas? They were my first. No, it was not peer pressure. I requested them when we were menu planning back at home. I have always heard women gush over them but was not brave enough to order one in a restaurant because didn't know what to ask for. So I figured this would be the perfect environment to see what all the fuss was about. Very very yummy!! Loved it!

I am back to work after being off and jobless all June, July and half of August. It is good news that the new school has re-hired us........and I don't want to be ungrateful............but, sure was nice to concentrate on writing and to sleep in as long as I wanted. I will find a balance in this new position because the time off has shown me that freelance writing is something I enjoy and want to pursue. So there was a blessing in the awful situation after-all. (For those of you who know the story.)

I'll tell you more about my new job in a future post.
Thanks for, I mean.


  1. Hi Brenda Sue
    Thanks for stopping at my blog and writing a comment. Empty suits of armor like the one outside your door give me the creeps, too. You always think there's someone in there and the eyes are following you. Too many old slap-stick movies, I guess.

    I'll bet it was a good time with the girls. And cheers to the margaritas. You have a winning smile.
    wanna buy a duck

  2. I'm sure wanting some time away. We had a trip to Hilton Head planned for next month but it's been cancelled because of some of my commitments at church. So now there's nothing on tap for me until my trip to Belize in November. I'll just stay busy here, visiting with blogger friends and pretending I've been with them on their get-aways.
    I'm glad you had a good time away. It's so refreshing to do that once in a while.

  3. So glad you got the time with girlfriends, pics are great. Good news to get your job back.

  4. Manzanita - I love your name! Yah, that armor guy gave me the creeps!

    Weezer - Oh I'm so sorry your trip got canceled. I can't imagine your church friends not filling in for you! Did you ask? Sorry, being bossy here!

    Kim - It was such a needed time after a tough few months. Thanx for caring!

    KyAnn - Welcome! Thanx for coming by! I am anxious to visit you back!

  5. glad you had a great time. having hen time is good for the stress. rose

  6. I can only imagine how beautiful that house was with a armored knight in the hall, smiles. Looks like you guys had a great time for yourselfs - good for you. Hope the school year is an easy and successful one and you like your new school. I know the story and I'm glad everything work out alright. Enjoy what little free time you have left!



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