
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Probably Gonna Regret Writing This....(Updated)

I am at a loss.
See that lady up there? That is pretty much how my day began
and it has only gone down from there!

I know!
I am the Miss Pollyanna,
play the 'Glad Game' lady,

  • I learned Hubs & I will be making a third of last years income.
  • Sat in a meeting ABOUT another meeting.
  • Asked a question at the meeting & was shocked it had not been figured out yet!
  • I spoke sharply to the sweetest young man ever (my son's best friend!) as he tried to get my office computer to connect with the printer. (Been trying to get it fixed for three weeks!)
  • Have company coming to my house tonight for the first time in years!(other than family. I know, it's a long story.)
  • Got a call 5 minutes ago from co-worker. They want me to change up the forms they created for this new school.
  • Deadline? Tuesday next!
  • Just got an email from the eZine that I submitted a devotional to. They say no thanks but keep submitting.
  • But they did not tell me what was wrong with the one I already sent them!

God, help me!

Ok, my company just left and I wanted to add an update.
So I opened my Mac & here are your amazingly wonderful
and loving comments!!
Wow, you guys are the best!
Thank you so much. I feel very cared for!

AND the update is.....
We had the greatest evening!
Our company was the new Interns that have been assigned to us
in our new job.
One is a single girl and the other is married. So we had the married couple and
the single girl over for snacks.

All three of them are FORMER STUDENTS of ours!
Can you see where this is going?
Oh how wonderful to sit and laugh and share school stories,
hear their hearts and their desires and goals!

To now being working WITH them is a total joy
& a brand new experience for us.
They are so excited and happy to be able to spend time with us.

Ahem....Thanx God!
And thanx for my Bloggy friends!


  1. breathe sweetheart.......when the universe reams us like this it really shows that it wants us to have a good hard look at what we are doing and why.
    it is question time.....
    what can i bear?,
    what can i change?,
    what is taxing me?,
    stressing me unnecessarily...... and of course
    you know as i do
    that when a day is this bad, it can only get better........

    love always dear sister
    Lisa xx

  2. Would a hug help? I'm sending air hugs your way. Tomorrow has got to be a better day for you. Keep your chin up!!!!

  3. What a tough day, baby. I'm sorry. I know how you feel; I've had those days (more often than not, lately) where it seems like I just drop everything I touch.

    I'm sorry you're having a rough time; hope it gets better!

  4. My goodness. You're like the 6th or 8th person that I've encountered who has had a bad day. Now you've got things that are pulling you down and you can't let it happen. Your son is going to have one of the happiest days of his life soon, and you are going to celebrate it big. Sure, you've had a few hours of a day that hasn't gone super duper. But what good has happened? Surely there was something? Throw the devil off your shoulder, put on a big smile and move ahead. That's a big girl. That's the smile.
    Now, one foot in front of the other and march. There you go. You're bigger than any of that stuff.

  5. wow, you guys blow me away! Thank you for your kindness, it quite literally is amazing to me.
    I have a friend who thinks the internet is ruining people's relationship and people skills.......I disagree completely and you guys are my proof!!

  6. That Spanx post was hilarious. I can totally picture it. :) I'm sorry you had such a rough days. Why does all the bad stuff seem to hit at the same time? Hopefully a day of blessings is soon to follow.


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