
Friday, June 24, 2011

A very Old Mommy Blogger Never Shuts Up....

Check out my friend's brave and courageous mommy blog, by moms and for moms, The Secret Mom Competition. It's  a place for moms to tell it all, the good, bad and the ugly! And she asked me to be a guest blogger, here's my 2nd post.


  1. Well, the first question is, "Why should she shut up?" Think things are going just fine. Hope you're having fun, Suzie K.
    Blessings and Bear hugs.

  2. Rob-bear, you just make me feel all warm and fuzzy with your sweet comments! Thanx!

  3. running right over to check it out! And isn't Rob awesome?

  4. running right over to check it out! And isn't Rob awesome?


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